
Wednesday, August 21, 2013


My friend, Francis said, he really visits all the Mc Donald's store whenever he is on a tour outside of the Philippines. I'd like to share with you some of my visits to European Mc Donald stores! Basically, a Mc Donald store would have a typical look from the outside and have the usual counter with large neon display for the menu. Even if the Mc Donald stores have similar neon displays inside the store, you will find different choices.... MC DONALD in PARIS, FRANCE. This Mc Donald Store is along the Champs Elysees.
As we enter the Mc Donald store, we are greeted by Mc Cafe.  And interestingly, they sell  macarons here... of course, it is Paris!
Note the display.  Doesn't it have the Parisian flair? They have the usual cheeseburgers as well as chicken burgers. But they also have the Mc Wrap and the Mc Baguette which caters to the French taste.
And this is how the seats are arranged. The love for art is evident in the French Mc Donald store.
This is my order.
MC DONALD in ROME, ITALY. This store is in the EUR (Mussolini) part of Rome.
The signages show the typical hamburgers and with variants with lots of layers. But they also had salads and chicken nuggets and a different look for the fries.
And for their collection, these are glasses for UEFA EURO 2012. This is our order... the typical cheeseburger with a Milk Shake! I remember this cheeseburger cost 1 Euro!
MC DONALD in HEIDELBERG, GERMANY.   This Mc Donald store is close to the Heidelberg Hauptbanhof (Train Station).
This is the store with the choices already displayed in the doors and windows. so even in the outside, you can decide if you want to get a Mc Donald.
And this is their counter...
The signage shows this 1 Euro Mc Donald burger which is a great deal. Interesting is the flavor of the burger is Western style of the United States. They also had Chicken nuggets. But no, they did not serve German sausage in their Mc Donald stores! 
I guess even if we want to try the cuisine distinct of the European place, we often resort to fast food which we are comfortable with... especially, those who are not so adventurous with their palate... AND... those, who are on a budget!

(similar post to In Pinay's Footsteps:

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