
Sunday, September 30, 2012


It is October 1, 2012. 

I am now entering a new phase as a blogger… my joining the BC Bloggers as in “busy” bloggers and Blog exChange as founded by Paula of!

I heard about this from my friend, Charm, who also encouraged me to start blogging actually!
She told me it increased her network, thus, her stats and most of all, she found bloggers with like-minds and who she developed friendships with!

I just had to find out about this… and indeed, I found BC Bloggers!

I am not exactly a real foodie but now, I couldn't resist taking pictures of food, drinks, restaurants and the like and just want to share my experience through the photos I got. 

Want to have more links? Let’s all join BC Bloggers!!!


  1. I am truly inspired to improve my blogging by reading your post. Congrats on your new phase and more power to us bloggers :)
